Case Studies

Real People 
Real Fitness Results

We've Helped Clients Achieve Their Fitness Goals At Every Fitness Level


Goal: Lose 50 pounds

Plan:  Weight training 3 days per week and 3 days with her choice of activity. For nutrition we had her track her intake allowing for a more flexible approach while planning for a reduction of calorie intake.

Result: Kristina has worked with me for over 4 ½ years. While Kristina calorie counted and exercised, she found that setting small, achievable goals for herself is what helped the most. Thinking she needed to lose 50 or more pounds proved too daunting. So instead we decided breaking that up into small milestones of five or so pounds would be a better approach. In just over two years she shed 103 pounds, and rewarded herself, along the way, for hitting each small goal.


Goal: Initially, loose weight for her wedding

Plan:  Nutrition and Coaching Support. Rhiannon had her choice of workouts and then we tailored our approach to that. Being flexible was important to her so we planned for that combined with intermittent fasting. 

Result: She didn’t really have a number goal, she just wanted to go until she felt satisfied with the results. Lost 37 pounds and has made fitness apart of her lifestyle!
 “I was a little hesitant in the beginning because it was so much more structure then I was used too. And tracking my calories was so foreign and a bit frustrating at the start. Carl had me meal prep all my food. I packed healthy lunches, snacks, and dinners. I invested in lots of storage containers, a slow-cooker, and water bottles. But once I got comfortable tracking my calories and experimenting with my eating it became so much simpler. So far I have lost 37lbs, I’ve started going to crossfit and running twice a week, when I’m not working with Carl. I am proud to say I have run two half-marathons and even more 10km races."

Need help reaching your fitness goals?


Goal: Physique Competition Preparation

Plan: Structured nutrition plan tracking macronutrients and 4-5 training sessions per week

Result: . He did an absolutely outstanding job, considering that before this the gym would be one of the last places you would find him. There was zero restriction on his eating, as long as it worked with his daily calories and he was able to hit a few nutrition targets. He also makes a point that he was able to do this while still having beer 3 times a week.


Goal: Nutrition Education For Weightloss

Plan:  Transition to intermittent fasting

Result: David came to me looking to learn about nutrition, he had tried a lot of diets previously without success. We found that intermittent fasting fit into his lifestyle really easily, he ate foods he loved and he never felt deprived, because he always felt he was getting enough! At the six month mark he feels stronger and looks the best he has in years. He initially set his weight loss goal at 195, he is now 183.

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